Scott Pattison, M.Sc.
VP, Clinical Operations
With extensive experience in cell biology, Scott joined EnGeneIC in March 2002 as a cancer cell biologist. From 2004, he has been managing EnGeneIC’s preclinical safety trial operations which have included; multiple doses of empty EDVs in a toxicity trial with 4 pigs, three monkey toxicity trials involving empty, doxorubicin or paclitaxel-packaged EGFR-targeted EDVs in 90 rhesus macaques and targeted drug-loaded EDV therapy of dogs with lymphoma, Hemangiosarcoma and brain cancer. In between toxicity trials, Scott has spearheaded the development of quality control tests to assess the safety and efficacy of EDV dose preparations as well as assays to measure inflammatory markers and techniques for biodistribution studies using radio-labeled EDVs and PET. From 2009, Scott has been instrumental in translating pre-clinical safety trial operations to first in man phase I clinical trials. To date Scott has overseen the preparation of over 600 doses in 55 patients with advanced solid tumours, recurrent GBM and mesothelioma.